
Why Do I Torture Myself? — 16 Comments

  1. Hi, Marilyn, yep, I keep lists. It’s the only way I can remember to do things that need to get done. Like yours from the mundane of doing laundry to writing projects. I’m compulsive once I start a book. I just finished writing a memoir of my unconventional single mother. I revised, cut, and polished it and couldn’t stand to read it one more time, so off it went to the publishers. Fingers crossed on that front. But I couldn’t stop till it was done. So I’m like you in that respect. I still don’t understand how you get so much done. I’m in awe of what you accomplish. 🙂

    • Hi, Paul, you were concerned that you post didn’t come through, but looks like you did two. Thank you, and I’m not surprised that you have similar compulsions.

  2. Hi, Marilyn, yep, I keep lists. It’s the only way I can remember to do things that need to get done. Like yours from the mundane of doing laundry to writing projects. I’m compulsive once I start a book. I just finished writing a memoir of my unconventional single mother. I revised, cut, and polished it and couldn’t stand to read it one more time, so off it went to the publishers. Fingers crossed on that front. But I couldn’t stop till it was done. So I’m like you in that respect. I still don’t understand how you get so much done. I’m in awe of what you accomplish. 🙂

  3. I keep lists so I don’t miss deadlines. I only get compulsive when the deadline is near. Of course, I set a lot of unnecessary deadlines for myself.
    Maybe, we’ve discovered the personality type of writers who complete more than one or two books.

    Now I’ve got to do some publicity on my latest thriller, RIDDLED WITH CLUES.

  4. I’m a list-keeper, too. Unfortunately, I sometimes forget where I put them. I’ll bet you’re already writing a list for things leading up to the next book.

  5. Oh, my yes. A calendar, to do list, story idea list, long term list, short term list, grocery list, books to read list. It’s never ending.

  6. Yup, I’ve got a couple lists going. I’m so addicted to checking things off, if I happen to do something that’s not on a list, I’ll go back and add it just to check it off. And Unresolved is on my TBR list.

  7. I understand lists and the compulsion to complete them. Now, as a senior citizen author, I am doing more to pick activities that don’t “put me in a tizzy.” Spending more time on hubby-chosen activities as well. He has supported me full time since he retired (he calls himself my baggage handler and chauffer) but he is also my business manager, and I am grateful.