
Learning to Relax in the Garden — 16 Comments

  1. Thanks for having the hop. I get introduced to a lot of authors I have yet to read.

  2. Hey, Karen! Love your post 🙂 I don’t garden, but I have a feeling I’d go nuts trying to keep everything perfect. Even knowing that sometimes nature happens, or death brings better life in future growths, I’d still be very neurotic about it! My parents had up mesh around our trees when they were still super tiny, because the deer kept ruining everything. I’d probably do that with just little shrubs or flowers! (email is ___@___.___.___, fill in the blanks with smiles, alumni, cmu, edu)

  3. Yes after three years of something eating our broccoli plants, we decided not to fight it anymore, just plant something else.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  4. Great tip, it is suppose to be fun, not stressful

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  5. Gardening isn’t necessarily relaxing to me as I have to rely on hubby to put in soil for my containers as I have back issues. Still, I love the reward when I have veggies in late summer!!


    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  6. I love that gardening advice! I don’t get too stressed about it either. Last year an overly long, cold, wet spring lead to a really disappointing veggie garden. I was lucky if I got 3 tomatoes and the cucumbers didn’t come in until fall. And then rabbits or some other critter came along and ate all but a handful of my sunflower seedlings. I laughed it off. There’s always next year to try again. 🙂
    cchant86 @

  7. Your attitude is so right. That’s why I experiment in my garden. If my experiment bombs, there’s always the other garden plants to harvest, and I’ve learned something new for next year. (Usually, I learn what not to do, like attempt to grow artichokes in Virginia.)
    It’s been a pleasure making your acquaintance. Thank you for participating in the blog hop.
    casey 4 4 6 at hot mail dot com

  8. Relaxing is the best part of the garden :). I have a 7 and 4 year old who like to dig up flowers or “water” (3 sand buckets full per flower) lol So I gave up on having a beautiful garden
    I have one small area that is off limit to them and it is my tiny sanctuary!

  9. Thanks for the giveaway and I think gardening is very relaxing! 🙂
    sienkiel1821 at yahoo dot com

  10. I still haven’t tackled gardening but I’m decent in the kitchen.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  11. My parents have a hammock in their garden. Perfect for relaxing with a good book! eendrizzi79 at gmail dot com

  12. Gardening is fun and relaxing but my plants always die. I have a black thumb. :/ But i do love to cook and im pretty good in that department. lol Thanks!