Christmas – the Tournaments
The weather blessed us with a couple of unusually nice days (for December) leading up to Christmas, so the children had a great opportunity to play outside. The swing and the balls all saw plenty of use, but the Cornhole set got the most interest this time.
This article will tell you everything you need to know about Cornhole except why it’s called that. After some Googling, the only reason I could find involved speculation that it was so named because the beanbags used to be filled with ground corn, hence throwing the corn into the hole. Why not?
In any case, my 12-year-old grandson decided to organize a Cornhole tournament and talked almost everyone in the house at the time into participating. He arranged pairings and brackets and tracked the winners of each round. I’m sorry to say I only made it to the second round, but my husband was the winner (and has a lovely certificate as a result).
My 10-year-old grandson got a build-it-yourself Foosball kit for Christmas and spent much of that day and the next putting it together. Based on his brother’s success with the Cornhole Tournament, he organized another one using his new game.
The contest generated a lot of fun, laughter, dismay, and tense moments. The final match came down to my son-in-law (youngest sister’s husband) and my oldest grandson’s girlfriend, Lisa. A tight, hard-fought game finally went to Lisa by a score of 9 to 8.