The creative process is a weird thing. I’ve been wrestling with the current work-in-progress for months now. I finally realized I’d taken a wrong turn and had to throw out the last 10,000 words I’d written (about four chapters). I’ve now replaced those words and I’ve been zooming on. I’m currently at 56K words of a project 70-75K. Until this morning, though, I wasn’t entirely clear how the story would resolve. Then I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and couldn’t get back to sleep. But as I lay in bed dozing, thinking about the story, playing with possible scenes, the entire rest of the story fell into place.
Teaser from The People in the Neighborhood
A teaser from my story in the forthcoming anthology: 𝐷𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠, 𝑆𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑠, & 𝑁𝑜𝑠𝑦 𝑁𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑠: 𝐷𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛 𝐴𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟!
The People in the Neighborhood
Elle almost dropped the crumpled piece of paper in the trash.
What impulse stopped her, she had no idea. Curiosity, maybe? But then she didn’t know why she’d picked it up in the first place, instead of raking it into the growing mound of debris. She yanked off her gardening gloves, dropped the rake, and smoothed out the wrinkles in the sheet. A stray spring breeze almost snatched it from her hand, but she held tight.
The penciled lines, written in a shaky hand, might represent some schoolkid’s first attempt at a homework assignment. Elle painstakingly deciphered the spidery printing. Her first reaction—that it was a kid’s prank or joke—drowned in growing unease as she stared at it.
The note said, “Help, please! Prisoner in my own house.” It was signed, “Annie Henderson, 1606”
She didn’t recognize the name. The number belonged to the house immediately to the left of her own, and she’d found the note just a foot from the chain-link fence that separated the two properties. She’d bought her house in this pleasant Charlotte suburb three months before, and in that time the only person she’d seen go in or out of the place was the rather surly middle-aged man she assumed owned it. When she’d tried to introduce herself to him, as she tried to say hello to all of her new neighbors, he’d nodded icily, hopped into his battered F-150 pickup, and driven off, leaving her gaping.
Elle stuffed the note in her pocket. While raking up more debris previous owners had left in the yard, she considered what to do about the note. Would the police even believe her if she took this to them? Would they take it seriously? Should she take it seriously?
Maybe enough to try to check it out, at least. First, she wanted to find out if anyone even knew an Annie Henderson.
That afternoon, she talked to the people in the house on the other side of hers, but it didn’t help. The family with two small children had moved there a year or so ago. They did vaguely remember an older woman living at 1606 when they first moved in, but they hadn’t seen her in quite a while and never caught her name.
The couple directly across the street, though, did remember.
“Annie, right,” Martha Lambert, the middle-aged wife said. “I’ve wondered what became of her. She’d be in her late seventies, I think. She liked to putter around in the yard, though she never accomplished much. Seemed a bit ditzy, but sweet and friendly. Haven’t seen much of her since her son moved in about six months ago.”
“Nephew,” her husband Sam said. “Said he was her nephew. She never had any kids. He moved in to help take care of her. Dementia. She was becoming a danger to herself. I feel bad for her, though. He doesn’t seem a very friendly or caring sort. But it’s not our business.”
Martha frowned. “Come to think of it, we haven’t seen anything of her in months. But it’s been winter and she’s kind of frail for being outside in the cold.”
After a quick internal debate, Elle showed them the note she’d found.
Martha sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh, my.” A moment later, she added, “I think this is Annie’s handwriting. She wrote down a recipe for me a while back. Let me get it.”
She went to a desk on the other side of the room and extracted a sheath of papers. “Here it is.” She pulled one from the stack and brought it over.
They all compared the two papers. “It is Annie’s writing,” Sam said. “Still, if she has dementia, she may not be…all there. In her right mind.”
“But what if she is?” Elle asked. “Or even if she’s not, but she’s being mistreated?”
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Books with Cliffhanger Endings – A Quick Rant
Mostly, they annoy me. When I buy a book, I want the WHOLE book, not a part of it.
There are some kinds of cliffhangers I don’t mind. Books where the main plot is resolved but a background story is left open are okay with me. Books that resolve the main story then whisk you into the beginning of the next I don’t mind either.
I don’t even mind books that spread over several volumes, as long as I know in advance that this is the case.
But recently I’ve tripped over a couple of books where the main plot just suddenly comes to an abrupt halt, with a note indicating I need to buy another book for the rest of the story. No warning in the blurb or on the first page. No indication I bought only half a novel until I get to the end.
Nope. I’m out. I don’t really care how compelling your story is.
Author, you lost my trust and it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever buy another of your stories.
My Best Books of 2024
Once again I note that my favored reading tends toward paranormal, fantasy, science fiction, and mystery, with a smattering of romance. Not really a surprise to me. I’m especially gleeful when an author skillfully combines more than one of those genres. The Martha Wells book cover is the first in her Murderbot Series and I gleefully devoured ALL of them. Highly recommended.
Goals for 2025
Well, 2024 wasn’t that great for reaching my goals, but I’m starting this year with the optimistic hope that I’ll be more productive.
So, obviously, goal one is to finish Unleashed for Murder, the fourth book in the Market Center Mysteries series. The series is planned for five books, with possibly a short story or two added in. I have ideas for the rest, but don’t really want to pursue those until I’ve finished the current work in progress. It stands at 50K words of a projected 70 to 75K, so there isn’t that much left to do. I even know what needs to happen. I just have to figure out how to accomplish it.
Once that’s done, I need to tackle rewriting Treadwell House. As I also mentioned in the 2024 goals assessment, I’ve gotten some good feedback on it, know what’s wrong with it, and how to fix it, but it will require quite a bit of work. Still, I love this story and I’m going to get it finished.
Being seriously optimistic, I’d like to get a start on the fifth and final book in the Market Center series. I already have a basic idea of the plot.
On the short story front, I’m hoping to build on my recent success with a few more new stories and continuing to submit older ones that have yet to find a home.
As noted before, I’m still working on the blogging regularly goal. I’ve been trying for two a week and was doing pretty well until we hit Thanksgiving. The holidays are always a hard time to keep up with anything writing-related, but this year I will try to keep up the two a week goal and have more in inventory. And the personal memoir hasn’t really moved forward much, so there’s that to work on, too. It’s lower on the priority list, but still there.
Another Short Story Sale!
I wrote “The People in the Neighborhood” a 5000-word gentle mystery/thriller short story, a couple of years ago specifically for an anthology of mysteries involving neighbors. It eventually was turned down for that one, but the editor took the time to tell me it was close but didn’t quite fit in with the other stories he’d accepted.
When I saw a call for another anthology of mystery stories involving neighbors, I thought of this story and submitted it. This time it was accepted.
Detectives, Sleuths, and Nosy Neighbors: Dying for an Answer should be available in ebook sometime in late spring from Inkd Publishing. I’ve already sent back the first round of edits on the story.
I believe there will be a Kickstarter for a print edition. Stay tuned for more info.
Hawk in the Neighborhood
Walking with my daughter around our neighborhood, a few days after Christmas, we heard a commotion among the local crows, which frequently signals the presence of a predator in the vicinity. We didn’t have to look far to find him. He suddenly zoomed across our field of vision and settled in a tree about fifty yards ahead.
As we approached, he swooped off, but didn’t go far. Another swoop and he landed in another tree just ahead on our walking route and settled there. He was on a limb, maybe ten feet up, hanging over the sidewalk.
This time he let us get closer, closer…and then we walked right beneath him. He must have noticed us, but it didn’t bother him. He sat there and watched as we not only walked just a few feet below him but stopped to turn around and take pictures.
Have the hawks figured out that people who live in suburban areas aren’t really interested in harming the local wildlife?
(Click on the picture for a larger, clearer version.)
2024 Goals Assessment
At the start of a new year, I like to look back and assess the goals I set for myself the previous year.
At the outset of 2024, my first goal for the year was to finish the fourth book in the Market Center Mysteries series, tentatively titled Unleashed for Murder. So… That didn’t work out. I stalled out at 50K words, stewed about it for a while and finally hung it up over the holidays. It will come up again in my goals for 2025.
I didn’t get into writing that second book, either.
Another goal from last year: “I’ve decided to give traditional publishing a try with Treadwell House – Sanctuary, since it’s in a genre (or actually a combination of genres) that is currently hot, with a number of current best-sellers. This will mean lots of queries and likely lots of rejections, but that’s par for the course. I’m giving it this year to see what happens.”
So, I did this. I sent out about 50 queries to agents and got some 30 rejections. A number of them never responded at all, but I did receive three requests for the full manuscript, which isn’t actually a bad response rate. All three agents passed on the full, but two of them gave helpful feedback. They said basically the same thing, and that echoed what another reader had said about the story, so I now know what the problem is with the book and how to fix it. Unfortunately the fix requires some extensive rewriting, but I like this story so much, I’m going to do it. I got a small start on it last year, but this, too, will come up again in my goals for 2025.
On the short story front, I wanted to write five new stories but ended up doing only three new ones. I also planned to submit at least five, which I did. In fact, I submitted six and ended up selling two of them. Three were rejected and one is still out.
Still working on the blogging regularly goal. I’ve been trying for two a week and was doing pretty well until we hit Thanksgiving. The holidays are always a hard time to keep up with anything writing-related, but this year I will try to keep up the two a week goal and have more in inventory. And the personal memoir hasn’t really moved forward much, so there’s that to work on, too.
All in all, not my best writing year, but not terrible either. Some success, some failure, more resolve to keep going.
Baking with the Grandchildren
I love spending time doing things with my grandchildren. Playing games, walking, talking, even plotting stories are all activities we’ve enjoyed sharing. But one thing they always request and are eager to do is help bake something. Cookies, mostly, but sometimes cakes, breads, or rolls.
The reward at the end of the process provides at least some of the motivation for their interest, but they do also enjoy the measuring, stirring, and mixing as well.
Breaking eggs into the bowl is a skill I teach them.
One of my most treasured moments happened many years ago, when my oldest granddaughter was in grade school. She told me one day that she was working on a baking project with her class when the teacher asked if anyone knew how to crack an egg into the bowl without smashing it. Granddaughter volunteered, telling the teacher that her grandmother had taught her how to do it. {Proud Grandma Moment}
Last summer when two of my grandchildren from England were visiting, we did the requisite batch of cookies, but the older of the two enjoyed it so much, she pitched in to help me make several other things, including some sweet breads and a big pot of soup for the family.
This holiday season included several baking sessions. We introduced my two-year-old great grandson to the fun of it. He helped in a couple of different ways. The pictures above on the left show him helping spoon flour through the cover into the mixing bowl.
He also helped us decorate sugar cookies, having a grand time sprinkling colored sugars over the unbaked shapes. We found a nice hack to let him have fun without the danger of his dumping the entire container of sugar onto the tray.
We took one of the empty bottles of colored sugar, with a sprinkler top, and put small amounts of the crystals into, letting him shake that over the cookies. He enjoyed it and we didn’t have to worry about two-inch mounds of sugar on each.
He shows signs of enjoying the process as much as my other grandchildren have.
Christmas, the Noise, the Chaos, the Joy
I realize it’s been a while since my last post. The holidays aren’t conducive to keeping up with a blog, but I’m trying to get back in the rhythm!
It’s over now. The gifts have been unwrapped, the cookies have all been eaten, the guests have left, and quiet reigns in the house. I’m working on packing up the Christmas things, then I’ll do a thorough house cleaning.
The pictures and the memories remain.
It was a good Christmas, even a great Christmas. So many people gathered here. Both of my daughters and their husbands and children, some with significant others of their own. Only my son and his family were missing, but they live in England.
On Christmas morning, we had 17 people in our living room for a time.
They didn’t all stay for dinner since some of them had obligations to other sides of the family. Still, eleven were gathered around the dining room table.
I feel remarkably blessed that all three of my children have remained friends and get along well with each other, and their children seem to be following the same pattern.
We shared a number of thoughtful and delightful gifts, though as usual, and as it should be, the children got the lion’s share of the loot. My daughters handled a lot of the cooking and baking for the mega-breakfast and big dinner. Others pitched in to help with clean up and set up.
I’ll remember most the joy of the children at receiving some delightful gifts – things they wanted and things they didn’t know they wanted; the quiet conversations and the noisy ones; the occasional raucous laughter; some lovely church services with family; trying out the children’s new games with them and playing some old classics with the adults; and most of all the atmosphere of love and warmth that filled the house for a few days.